If a member has repeatedly breached the platform rules or been reported by other members on multiple occasions. The administrators may decide to temporarily suspend that members access for a period of time, this period is at the discretion of the admin team and will depend on the nature of the breach and number of breaches.
If the situation warrants the potential removal of the member permanently. The admin team will instigate a membership wide poll, all members will be entitled to vote within a given time period to decide if a member is to be removed from the platform permanently, the outcome of the poll will decide that members fate and a simple majority of 51 % or more of votes cast prior to the poll deadline will be sufficient to remove that member from the platform.
Members that have been voted to be removed may appeal their removal to the Administration, who will have the final say on any changes to the removal and revocation of their account access.
Terminated members will have their personal data returned to them, and then all records will be deleted from the platform.