
    Please follow these posting/content rules:


    1. Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or you have the permission/right to share.
    2. Post content, photos, and videos that are appropriate for a wide audience.
    3. Follow the law.
    4. Respect other Members.
    5. You may not publish or post other people's private information (such as home phone number and address) without their express authorization and permission.
    6. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.
    7. You may not post or share photos or videos of someone that were produced or distributed without their consent, specifically intimate in nature. 
    8. No content that attempts to impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
    9. No content that violates others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark by posting unauthorized material owned by others.
    10. You may not post advertising in text, photo or video format with the intent to promote or sell a product other than listing your personal goods for sale in the sell it section.
    11. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
    12. You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.
    13. Do not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. Do not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism. 

    14. You may not use these services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote. Nor can you publish political content which is factually incorrect and cannot be corroborated. 
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