A way for influencer to create a trip idea like a bucket list tirip and send this session ID/saved trip idea as post to gogoster and outpost to FB, twitter which is something members or others in outside social can open and see the search and modify to suite and book, a way to track any booking made based on this session id, which can be attributed back to influencer or member so they get rewarded with either social credit or % of net margin of trip if booked. Also a link they can post with inst... moreA way for influencer to create a trip idea like a bucket list tirip and send this session ID/saved trip idea as post to gogoster and outpost to FB, twitter which is something members or others in outside social can open and see the search and modify to suite and book, a way to track any booking made based on this session id, which can be attributed back to influencer or member so they get rewarded with either social credit or % of net margin of trip if booked. Also a link they can post with instagram post which allows for same outcome.
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